Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing that has been practiced for over 2000 years and forms part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practice benefits the body, mind and spirit by stimulating a natural healing response by inserting fine needles. Based on the Chinese philosophy that energy circulates within the body, acupuncture addresses imbalances and blocks within this circulation that can lead to ill health.
Chinese Medicine see’s physical, emotional and mental health as interdependent states of being. A traditional diagnosis will look at each individual’s health as a whole and use diagnostic tools to understand the root cause of an imbalance. By identifying and treating the root cause acupuncture aims to improve the overall wellbeing of a patient, rather than treating specific symptoms in isolation. This can lead to a more permanent resolution of your problems.
Acupuncture is a safe natural treatment that addresses a wide range of health problems. Traditional acupuncture can be effective for conditions that don’t always respond well to conventional medicine. Conditions seen in the clinic include symptoms such as stress, insomnia, migraine, fertility, anxiety, depression, muscular-skeletal conditions, lower back pain and many more.
To view a list of conditions and see accurate and unbiased acupuncture research related to these please click the following link: Acupuncture research fact sheets.
This link has information on many conditions including:
If you need more information to see if your health condition can be helped at bournemouth and Poole acupuncture, feel free to call Mark for an informal chat.